Friday, October 30, 2009

Kite flying - Is it that bad really??.

"Don't ignore the small things -- the kite flies because of its tail."
Author: Hawaiian Proverb
"Imagination is the highest kite that one can fly."
Author: Lauren Bacall
"Don't be afraid of opposition. Remember that a kite rises against - not with - the wind."
Author: Source Unknown
"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, or a new country."
Author: Anais Nin
"கொரங்குக்கு கூட தான் வாலு இருக்கு, அதுன்காட்டி கொரங்கால பறக்க முடியுமா??"
Author: Pammal K Sambandham

During self introspection phases, I guess it is usual to look into those nostalgic feelings especially those sweet childhood memories. I am NO exception to that rule. Thinking about it, I always has this kite flying is one of the prominent along with the Kitti-pullu(Tamil) alias Lippa sport(English). And indeed I was surprised to hear that kite flying has been banned with unbailable warrant for those violators of the ban in Tamilnadu effective november month of 2009. I read as it was due to the increasing unwanted incidents in the state very recently. I also read that in 2006 itself this ban was imposed but being violated completely. here is the detailed news on the same.

There is other side of the story is(I guess from Manja dealers) that it has just been overreaction which diverted the efforts to eliminate the Kiteflying sport from the favourite list. Why?? T promote the money-minting cricket game in a bigger way. The noteworthy point is that during the kiteflying seasons, it has been found that the cricket craziness is off-peak which is not a good news for the cricket merchants.

Stories apart, after reading this, I could NOT resist myself asking this question:In the name of safety measure, are we denying one of the favourite sport to our next generation kids who are already inundated from the out-door games?? feel free to share what you think about it!!

1 comment:

  1. isnt there a way to make 'outdoors'..actually 'outdoors' and still enjoy the game? Why does law always have to prohibit something in the name of safety.

    anything one enjoys doing is a 'forbidden fruit'?


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