Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How to dress for Success??

This evening I got into this interesting article from Paul Castine on "Next time you think you are dressing" in his Castine's salesbook blog spot. His article impressed me with his first line itself which had already captured what I thought about his page initially. "Oh!! Yet another website on how to dress??"...boom!! I had the same statements to start with. With the interest picked up, I read this hilarious yet useful article on taking care of yourself before you present yourself to others. Some of the important tips were..

Monday, December 7, 2009

Pushing India to "Darkness"??

As you might have got shocked seeing the subject line of today's topic, I have got shocked to see an article from a finance house this morning on a prime market buzz word "Green". I am NOT sure why suddenly whole lot of companies talking about "hole" in the ozone layer as greenists have been warning us atleast a decade from now though.

Coming back to Subject, This article mentioned "This can push India into darkness" and story goes like this...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Do plants have intelligence? - Yes, See this to believe it!!

This morning I came across a amazingly funny true incident that happened in tamil nadu where the pungan tree started growing roots directly in the main water line pipe instead of growing deep to tap in the water source. I did NOT believe initially on how it could break the pipe seamlessly to get the water resource until I saw this picture and I read this interesting article sub-sequentially on the same topic as today's blog.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Want to get more marks in classes?? Read "Agatha Christie" novels...

I found this interesting article this morning on the CBSE board pioneering a way to cultivate the reading habits among the school children. They have come up with the novel idea of reading NOVELS to boost the reading habits of the students as well as boost their grades with extra marks too. I kind of like the idea that does sound like "have the cake and eat it too!!".

Here is the whole story in English as well as Tamil..