Thursday, October 15, 2009

5 Reasons why nobody comments on my blogs and posts

I always wondered why I do NOT have much audience to participate, share or comment on my blogs and posts.

If you are also like me to increase your traffic on your blogs, here is an spam-less interesting link that I found to be very useful - 5 Reasons why nobody comments on my blogs and posts

Now that I know the reasons, let me work on it to improve my records. See ya tomorrow!!


  1. Hi, I'm Andrew Ballenthin, the author of the article you've noted. Thanks for sharing the post with your audience. Drop me a note and let me know how it goes.
    The blog now has over 90 comments on it with dozens of additional suggestions on how to improve dialogue with your audience.

    Best regards,
    Andrew B.

  2. Thanks for your kind note. I guess my audience would appreciate the contents of your blog.


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