Friday, May 11, 2012

God exists in our temporal lobe? - Precursor post

Today I found some interesting article by 2011's one of the most influential people in the world termed by Time Magazine, Mr.Viliyanur Ramachandran, a UC San Diego Scientist.

His article and a subsequent video stated about the "God Spot"..

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Emu Farming - Ponzi Scheme redefined - Part 2

Yesterday's post on the Emu Farming Part 1 was more on the original intend of the Emu farming franchise and how it could have turn into real business.

However, what is found to be happening is quiet contradictory to it. Maharashtra State Government ordered CID probe as they suspect about 200 Crore (40 million dollars) as you can see in this link along with the ban on the state and Tamilnadu government has already instructed forest husbandary department to conduct enquiry on the Emu farming after being reported suspicious circular trading in Erode.

What is circular trading?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Emu Farming - Ponzi Scheme redefined - Part 1

Off late, you might have been bombarded with internet mail forwards, TV, Radio advertisements where your favourite or non-favourite actor/actress endorsing how Emu Farming has helped "millions" out of their poverty or financial goals. 

With aggressive set of suddenly cropped out franchises and attractive gifts like gold coins, I read that even many of the well educated err. well informed people are getting deceived by this ultra modern ponzi scheme. Here is how it makes into that category...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Chaos theory and Curd rice bowl

Sure, you might find the subject funny but it is a true story and a mind boggling one since yesterday for me.

To understand the story in a better way, one might need to first explain what is chaos theory. What is chaos theory? 
How is the curd rice bowl comes in to picture?
how it is related to chaos theory? 
lot more question to add upon?? please read further on...