Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Winner of the Best managed TN state owned entity??

Probably subject might have been intrigued to you and guesses would have been flowing all through your mind. If you were thinking like me with this topic, probably the list would go from BSNL to TNEB to Tancem to forthcoming ARASU CABLE.

Hold your breath. The winner is... TASMAC. Follow this link to find out the details on the revenue that this business entity of TN generates . and I got surprised to see a whopping 3000+ crores in terms of annual turnover. I am NOT sure if any top-3 IT company can beat that. Back to the topic now?

Why it grabbed attention here.
1) Recently, TN Government announced 20% bonus for all the TASMAC employees (permenant/temporory). It has been quoted that this is approximately 3 times higher in comparison with the temporary school teachers of TN government school.

2) Given below is the snapshot i took it from leading tamil daily. TASMAC apparently targets to gross a whopping 150 crores in a single day. Any guess on what is special about this day. it is DEEPAVALI!!

Looks like they have to change the பழமொழி for Deepavali from "காசை கரியாக்காதே" to "காசை "கல்யாணி" label ஆக்காதே"!!


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