Saturday, September 10, 2011

Heard of Critical Thinking - Here are some samples for you..

You would have definitely heard about Lateral thinking. But how about critical thinking?

According to wiki pages, the definition goes as "reasonable reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or do". It is basically a "thinking about thinking" especially questioning related to the critical social theories. :)

I got this following forward which I found interesting this morning which exactly provided the samples I needed to understand critical thinking. Here you go:

1. money can't buy happiness 
    but somehow it's more comfortable to cry in BMW than on a bicycle.

2. forgive your enemy 
     but remember the bastard's name.

3. help a man when he is trouble and he will remember you
    when he is in trouble again.

4. many people are alive only because
    it's illegal to shoot them.

5. alcohol doesn't solve any problem
    neither does milk. 

I don't think you will disagree more with these samples!! :)


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