Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Google Play over Google android market

Google Inc., has recently introduced its product called Google Play. Questions arise on what is wrong with the Google Android Marketplace, which the Google is trying to out"play". Here are few quick snapshots you may NOT know about Google play.

1) What it replaces..exactly? Google Android Marketplace, Google Music and Google eBookStore.
2 ) How is it more effective..exactly? Google is trying to make use of the latest buzz called "Cloud computing" where it allows the users to place their purchased downloads in its cloud space so that you could access them with any non-android devices as well.

3) Can I access any where I want with any device? read the answer for 2 again :)
4) Tight coupling with Google+ makes your social media freakness out of control as well.
5) Can I upload music and Movies? Music, yes, you can upload them in the cloud space and "Google Play" however the Movies, it is different story. If you try to upload the movies from "thiruttuvcd.com", Google may try to "Play" with you in legal terms.

How can I access? simple.. type this URL: play.google.com

In a nutshell, the google seem to follow my blog post's tag line: "old wine in new bottle"

See you tomorrow!!