Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Stay Hungry and Stay Foolish"

There are two people who have become famous because of  Apple.  One is "Eve" who bit an Apple to start all our proceedings and other one is Late Mr.Steve Jobs, who owned a company which had the symbol of that bitten apple, probably to pin point "eve"'s mistake i.e., us.

Having heard the late news about his untimely demise from Mr.Steve Jobs to "Late" Mr.Steve Jobs, I kind of get bombarded with the epilogue forwards of "who is he" and "what is he". I am sure that you would have gotten by now, if you are having one IT guy in your family to get those forwards to you.

Whats with the title of this post : "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish" to do with Steve Jobs? if this is your question, proceed further to see this very inspiring video of him.

Some of really interesting point:
1) He was broke till the age of 29 and walked 7 miles to have one good meal at Hare Krishna Association in US.
2)  I really loved the way he explained his death vision and I am sure you would be as well
3) Surprised to hear that he was "TERMINATED" from his own company once.
much more to follow, so Proceed further..

After seeing this video, I think that somehow he knows about his death in advance. May be thats why they called him Visionary. BTW, this video is an excerpt from his 2005 speech where he just got cured from his initial pancreatic cancer symptoms.

I hope this video made your day!!


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