Friday, October 17, 2014

Want to lead a life full of joy, kill this thief!!

This striked me a few minutes back while I am determined to "leverage" the waiting time at the airport waiting for the announcement and once again looking at the facebook of the past through my wall did the strike on my head.

We all do it: we look at what others are doing and wish we were doing that too. Or worse, we scoff at what they’re doing and "judge" them, and see ourselves as better.

Now, The first one would definitely make us feeling inferier when we see people posting about having great time with the family or at the beach or having fun in general while we happen to look at their "incredible" life snapshots through boringly staring at the smart-dumb phone.

Or the second part of "judging", may certainly make us feel superior but does that make us happy, is the question that would take more than a moment to answer, honestly. We don’t know what it feels like to be this person, but maybe we can imagine that they’re suffering, and we can wish for their suffering to end.

So neither part of these behavioural patterns make us happy, right?

Looking deeply into these behavioural patterns, are we fair in our comparisons? We often end up comparing some of the beginning of ours to middle of others, I meant the phases of life.

Take the first case of comparison others seemingly "amazing" life, do you know that not all of them would post their life's happening when they are at stress, when they are at their high anxiety levels or having heated arguments OR in their insecurities.

Comparing yourself to others is insanity, because only you can be you.

Do you know one of the hardest battle you can never win, is comparing others with you.

The only person we should try to be better than at, would the be the person that we were yesterday OR better than the one that we used to be :)

As a wise man right(ful)ly said, the prime thief of one's joy would be the topic of the day, "Compare"...

Let us take that one step to kill this thief!!



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