Friday, July 6, 2012

iPad Vs. mcPad, tablet wars between quality and quantity

English: Apple iPad Event
English: Apple iPad Event (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

While the whole gadget world go gaga about the new Google Nexus and the latest buzz on the iPad Mini to take on the world, some gurus might be screaming that these would be the "tablets to end all tablets" prophecies, I got the whole new insight on the age old debate : Quality Vs. Quantity.

Does that really differentiate between the 550$+ iPads and 55$ McPads, is the question to ask.

Here is the assembly line videos on each of these world which might explain the details of the differences, probably Visually.

According to the recent articles by Bloomberg, Apple will be looking to introduce a smaller iPad in October in a bid to maintain its upper hand in the tablet market as rivals Google and Microsoft rush to debut new devices to gain market shares.

Forbes recently said this "The new Google Nexus 7 tablet, unveiled yesterday, adds a new wrinkle to the tablet PC market.But you know what consumers would like even better? An Apple iPad mini.
In anticipation of the Google tablet launch, Raymond James analyst Tavis McCourt surveyed a group of consumers about what tablets they might find appealing. ..."

However, what attracted recently was my brand new purchase of 55$ McPad which almost did all of the functions that iPad 3 possess with the android backend. When I looked further as part of my detailed considerations, I found this two assembly line videos more striking. Here you go:

Apple iPad's assembly lines:

McPad's assembly lines

Apart from that, I see the prices are more to do with the cheapest electronic equipements and low quality materials soldered manually in mcPad as against machine made iPad.

 As you have might have noticed, the mcPad's assemly line was more simpler but without much jazzy machines but more of manual powered quality department and assemblies where as the FoxConn's were more to do with the advanced machines, in ensuring the quality control.

 However, for a cheap conservatory, it would be 10 mcPads and 10 years if each one promised to have atleast one year guarantee for the same price that iPad is being offered, while the upper liberationists might quote the quality of iPad to live with for worth less than 10 years.

Social Media Quality vs Quantity
 Quality vs Quantity (Photo credit: Intersection Consulting)
I am beginning to doubt a recent article which said iPad Mini is to cannibalize the small inch tablet makers. Is it Apple iPad Mini tablets OR the mcPad type tablets which offers real threat??

Let us wait for the time to reveal the results.
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