Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Law of Attraction is a myth?

This evening, I came up with an interesting article which startled me for a while and probably shattered some of my beliefs through its scientific study results. So long I have been fed through the famous law of attraction for the goal realizations. 

But now, well, I am thinking twice.

What is law of attraction?

According to Wiki, "The law of attraction is a belief or theory, that "like attracts like," and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results"

How does it apply more to goals and realization of it?
According to law of attraction, you should state your intention clearly and have them visualized constantly as if the goal is already yours. This would in turn set up our mind and have the goals attracted towards it, in plain layman terms.

However, scientifically conducted tests by W.Mahler proved that if a person announced his goals or solutions to his problems and also being acknowledged by others, his brain realizes them as a "Social Reality" even if the person who announced the same has NOT achieved the goal or solutions in actuals.

In "Symbolic Self-Completion" book, Peter Gollwitzer published his test observations after he conducted four different tests on 63 people, he did this startling revelation that those who kept their intentions private were more of achievers of their goals rather than those who made them public and acknowleged by others.

So the announcement of their goals provided them a premature sense of completeness which were driven through the identity symbols on their brains. These identify symbols, remember, used by the brain to build the self-image of oneself. This comfortably neglects further pursuit of the achievement of the goals and there by resulting in low achievements.

This made me rethinking my facebook updates as well as the updates I see from other social mediums by my friends and other circle of influences.

May be it does to you now? 

What is the solution to this problem, those who can stand keeping it private?

The recommendation is to toned down your updates to others in such a way to send the dissatisfaction symbols to brain to work harder towards the goals rather than send satisfaction symbols. It is like instead of announcing "I found a solution to my problem of procrastination to blog" to "If I don't do regular blog, scold me!!" :)

Oopps..did I spill out some beans from my private announcement box?!!


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