Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pune Mane - Madness redefined

I am sure some of you would have already heard about this morning' national news on Pune road mayhem where Mr.Crazy Santhosh Mane "hijacked" a state transport bus from one of the MSRTC bus depot and ran amoke the objects that he saw in the morning. The results were terror injecting ..

with more than 40 vehicles crashed to pieces and 30 people or more getting severely injured and 9 were announced killed ..err. murdered in the whole drama.

When I tried to think about how come a common man could access the public transport that easily, I came to know a rather interesting technology update : auto-restart mechanism installed in the bus. This is a rather lazy adoption they have implemented with where the drivers of the buses need NOT carry the keys to start the bus. rather a push button start....

May this "Pune Mane" incident be the eye opener for the careless officials who might need to rethink on how to prevent another crazy common man before he could take them for a ride.