As per the scientist across the globe, this magical tree contains the following benefits:
1) This would increase the activation levels of the consumer more than 150%.
2) You will NOT find any comparable tree which has so many nutritional - rich in nutrition and rich in multi vitamin
3) This contains most of the ingredients that could cure epidemic, cardio-vascular and cancer...
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
soppu saamaan: down that nostalgic lane
7:16 PM

By subject, i am sure i have taken you briefly to your childhood days, if you know thamizh and born before 1980's. Before i go further into the soppu saamaan, this word in English would mean wooden kitchen utensil toy in plain butler English translation and I am NOT sure if the...
Monday, November 21, 2011
why this kolaveri?
8:47 PM
Yes, the subject of today's blog post was taken a leaf or branch out of recent sensational single song hit "Why this kolaveri de?" and while I was humming the number, it did make me wonder why this song became rage apart from the catchy tune.
As you might know, Kolaveri is the tamil colloquial which can be approximately translated to as "murderous, heinous" etc.,
Accidental perusal of the...
Check the number before you dial in!!
8:19 PM
A man wanted to call the hospital to ask about his pregnant wife, but he mistakely called the cricket stadium
He asked 'How is the situation?'
He was shocked and nearly died of heart attack when he heard the reply !!!!
They said
1) Its fine 3 are out already
2) We are hoping to get another 7 out by lunch
3) The last one was a DUCK
Moral of the story: Check the number before you dial...
Are you growing this poison plant at your home?
7:57 PM

I have already written my previous post some years back on "do plants have intelligence?". But today's topic is NOT about the G-one side of the plant but Ra-one side of it.
If you are growing the plant given below at your home or you have seen it in your office spare, beware of the following...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Time to write something interesting about Super Star
7:57 PM

Sometime back I wrote about two tamil film related funny articles on Google Transliteration was mainly about the artificial un-intelligence injected to mess with Vijay Fans.
But today is something to cheer the fans of Super Star, Rajni Kanth and the Google.
As you know Google recently brought...
25 worst passwords of 2011 - interesting survey
7:34 PM

Recently I have blogged about the safety measures that should be exercised when using the passwords. click this link for knowing more about it.
Today's post is a cousin sister of the same where found quite amused to read the 25 worst passwords by the internet users across the globe in 2011.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Invention of the flight - Right & brother Vs. Rama & brother?
10:36 PM
I know the title of this blog would have given enough clues to munch on today's blog post subject that I am going to present about. Who actually invented the flight? If you are the "modern day manickam", you would probably say Wright Brothers. What would be your reaction if I say the (w)Right is Wrong?
I have already written this similar article back in 2009.
However, today I got...
Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi - was he really that bad?
10:27 PM
I got this forward this morning and I see the bright side of this man, if it is good to be true:
The media has successfully painted Gaddafi as a hard-core dictator, tyrant whatever you want to call him. However, the media as usual has also failed to show the kind, giving Gaddafi we never heard of. Gaddafi unlike most dictators I will refrain from naming them has managed to show his humane side,...
Welcome to Mirror Age...
8:05 AM
You might have heard about the different era's of mankind's evolution in the following ages: Stone age, bronze age, Iron age, industrial age to the current Information age. Thanks to this evolution so far, you are able to read from the other part of the world from what I have written in one part of the world. "Atlast Atlas Shrugged, huh!!?
Hold on your thoughts, with the upcoming mirror age, you...
Magical Tree - Bhagyaraj would be proud of..
6:46 AM
Repost: By reading this subject, I am sure you would be surprised/disturbed/perplexed/...xxed : what the heck Magical Tree has to do with Director Bhagyaraj, if you follow Tamil Film Industry.
But let us forget Bhagyaraj for a moment and talk about this so-called Magical tree..
As per the scientist across the globe, this tree contains the following benefits:
1) This would increase the activation...
Thursday, November 17, 2011
State of Exam Paper corrections
9:06 AM
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Though the below screenshot may be amusing, this clearly depicts the mounting pressure on the teacher during the paper correction process to achieve their daily targets. Otherwise, I am NOT sure why any sane teacher could correct the below paper during paper evaluations :)
BTW, I like the way this...
Harsh Truth about Tamilnadu Electricity Situations
8:58 AM
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I got a forwarded article couple of days back with the following facts:
1) From Neyveli lignite corp (in Tamilnadu), 11 crore unit of Electricity(Megawatts?) being dispatched to Karnataka daily.
2) From Neyveli lignite corp (in Tamilnadu), 9 crore unit of Electricity being dispatched to Kerala daily.
3) From Neyveli lignite corp (in Tamilnadu), 6 crore unit of Electricity...
Corporate Competitions - Checkmate
8:53 AM
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This interesting picture I saw this morning and it quite amused on how the sense of humour prevails within rival competitors and how much they go to make their points.
Do send in the recent such interesting posting/articles which flared up the egos/mud slinging acts of the big corps, if you have...
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Another Atrocity .. recent one
8:05 PM
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You might have seen the posters of "Power star" comedian actor's pictures and laughed out at your hearts content.
This one is more hilarious and dangerously atrocious in the same scale. You would have seen my earlier post on "Google translation post" but the below posture proves that to be true.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Beware when using password protected sites in the cyber cafe
10:59 PM
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Though this might be a older post as the technology may be old as well but I got hold of this interesting article when I was looking at the ATM urgency article.
What if the password of your bank site is being hacked or gmail is hacked? Or any other password protected site you have used for all...
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Reverse PIN - Answer to your ATM urgency
3:25 PM
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I got an interesting forward which talks about increasing robbery held at ATM centers. This is a typical scenario where the mugger mob tries to prey a victim and arm twist them at the ATM centers probably at a gunpoint or other life threatening pointers.
Imagine you being in the...
Not yet another article on Bodhi dharma aka Da-mo..
10:01 AM
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First of all, let me tell you that I am glad to join the bandwagon of writing about "newly discovered" tamil legend(??) Bodhi Dharma aka Da-mo who has been referred as the father of "Shaolin" monk community.
Why sudden crazy about Bhodhi dharma? Blame it on Director Murugadoss who...
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Google+?? Google Management does NOT believe so!!
9:39 AM
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This morning, I came across an interesting article on Google Plus. All along, I have come across the regular and usual comments about the newly introduced products from the owners and the definitions about how their new innovations could "CHANGE" the world.
Google+ is no different too. Google claims that the Google+ is the fast forward looking approach and the Google itself is getting "TRANSMOGRIFIED"...
Thursday, October 6, 2011
"Stay Hungry and Stay Foolish"
3:37 PM
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There are two people who have become famous because of Apple. One is "Eve" who bit an Apple to start all our proceedings and other one is Late Mr.Steve Jobs, who owned a company which had the symbol of that bitten apple, probably to pin point "eve"'s mistake i.e., us.
Having heard the late news about his untimely demise from Mr.Steve Jobs to "Late" Mr.Steve Jobs, I kind of get bombarded...
Monday, October 3, 2011
New Power Star of Tamil Movie industry
10:28 PM
You might have heard about different funny or self proclaimed titles of South indian stars and you might even be aware of few such stars namely: Ultimate Star Ajith, Super Star Rajni blah..blah.. But this morning I stumpled upon (I mean literally!!) when I heard about the new name : "POWER STAR" and another shocker came with this poster saying his movie is celebrating Silver Jubiliee.. 200th Day!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Non-biodegradable plastic bottles cannot be reused? - Think again!!
10:18 PM
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After you completed your last sip of your favorite soft drink in the "banana shaped" plastic bottle, you will be "freely" advised by your friends, family and all other well wishers to throw up in the dust bin. Have you ever asked them the reason why? When I did, I got the answer as it is a "non-biodegradable" plastic waste and cannot/should NOT be re-used.
Sounds familiar? Even...
Sunday, September 11, 2011
A.R.Rahman's Magic
10:30 PM
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I got an interesting forward this morning and I could NOT quite get hold of what is happening with that youtube video, may be I was still NOT awake from my Sunday morning sleep. But once I realized what is happening, I was quite astonished with the way the video went on.
Yes, the title of today's blog is quite relevant to what I am referring here. I guess I feel very proud to share this you tube...
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Heard of Critical Thinking - Here are some samples for you..
11:37 PM
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You would have definitely heard about Lateral thinking. But how about critical thinking?
According to wiki pages, the definition goes as "reasonable reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or do". It is basically a "thinking about thinking" especially questioning related to the critical social theories. :)
I got this following forward which I found interesting this morning which...
Want to build effective presentation - Think Concept Mapping...
11:20 PM
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This morning, I got one of the interesting video forward on how you can make effective Business Presentation, or more of articulating your concepts into the business ideas. It was apparently called Concept Mapping Technique.
I know of the Mind Mapping technique which I found to be effective in most of the brainstorming sessions. However, the Concept Mapping looked definitely different in more than...
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Lady Gaga pushed Anna Hazare to second on Indian Independence day...
9:27 AM
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Funny as it might sound today's title!! If you have any of the following questions that springs in your mind, please go ahead and read it:
1) what Lady Gaga has to do with Independence day.
2) Anna Hazare is "pushed to second"?? what the...??
I am sure after reading the entire post you will get goose-pimples about the patriotism being observed by the Indian online reading communities...
Monday, September 5, 2011
Google Translation works - absolutely!!
11:29 AM
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Got a recent funny tweet this morning and when I checked the steps provided as below:
2.Type "do not see idiots movie" and translate to tamil
3.And the result is Amazing roll roll
Seeing the results, I am pretty much impressed on two counts:
1. Google Translation page really works wonder in translating not only the words but the intention of the user translating the...
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Cement Connection with Madame Tussauds
3:15 PM
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Hello All,
Before I start, please check out the below picture. What do you see unique on them? Guesses please.. Nothing related to the rumor that Tamilnadu Government has changed the dates of Pongal to April-14th!!
Well if you are like me, NOT sure about the unique feature,...
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Reverse Branding : Mr.Mani Iyer invites you all for Suvishesha Koottam
10:02 AM
1 comment
Recently I have come across this forward which basically captured two different posters found in the walls of Tamilnadu recently. The posters contents looked pretty much the usual except the anchors of them and the title of the posters. "Mani Iyer welcomes you to the Special Christian Prayer meeting(Suvishesham in Tamil)" and the next one is "Suseela Maamee invites you to Gods' Army Full Gospel Church".
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
A problem shared is a problem halved - Really? No. Scientifically!!
11:14 PM
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This morning we have got a call from one of our close relative and this person started pouring all the challenges and complaints life presented to her. Atlast when we were about to finish the call with her, I heard her saying "I feel relieved as I have shared my problems with you". Incidentally it struck me with the recent article I read on the same line.
In reality I am not convinced that a problem...
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Definitely not for light hearted - O.M.G.
10:43 PM
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I have come across this video in one of the facebook links with the superbly apt title called "O.M.G", acronym for "Oh My God!!" See if you have access to facebook!! otherwise, you are glad that you did NOT see this!...
Information overflow - E-Gokulashtami @ Texas
10:33 PM
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Before I start, I believe you would have by now completed the Gokula Ashtami if you are in the southern part of the India or still chewing/mowing the seedais if you are in the western part of the world. Anyways, today's blog entry is also related to it.
I was at awe this evening with the incident I am going to describe about. Back in India, I still fondly recollect the way we celebrate Gokulashtami,...
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Easy way to avoid Procrastination (do it later) attitude
8:44 PM
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Glad to be back again though not the sooner as promised in my previous blog posting. It is purely because of the writer's block. For the uninitiated, information about writer's block can be found here.
Coming back to the today's topic, it is just coincided with two readings on the same day and put to pratice before I preach here. Let us see if you answer these questions below,...
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Mobile blogging finally
10:59 PM
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Its been really a long time since I have logged. Surprisingly, each time its the same determination that drives the blogging but eventually running out of the stream the very neck day.
Root cause analysis sans fish bone ddiagrams proved to be the lack of handy medium to register my thoughts immediately it flashes. I have been on the lookout for a mobile logging medium and even tried offline repress...
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
What do you know about Trickster side of Sai Baba and 1.76 L 2G spectrum scam...
5:33 PM
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I know it has been a long time since I wrote any of my thinking about the day to day happenings. In face, I had to search for my blog address to start working on this article once again. I hope I would be more regular to blogging.
As the subject of this topic would have attracted you more than my earlier topics as it talked about two important happening of the last week. This attraction is what lead...
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
How corporate America tweaks the L1 Visa program?
10:25 AM
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I am browsing through the L1 Visa program blog sites just to keep me ready for what I am currently undergoing. By definition, it says in plain english (for dummies like me!) as "Intra-company transfer visa". By definition, this is ideal for the candidates like me, who is working in US MNC in India, getting transferred to US head-quarters.
However, it is interesting to see how the American corporates...
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