Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How to dress for Success??

This evening I got into this interesting article from Paul Castine on "Next time you think you are dressing" in his Castine's salesbook blog spot. His article impressed me with his first line itself which had already captured what I thought about his page initially. "Oh!! Yet another website on how to dress??"...boom!! I had the same statements to start with. With the interest picked up, I read this...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Pushing India to "Darkness"??

As you might have got shocked seeing the subject line of today's topic, I have got shocked to see an article from a finance house this morning on a prime market buzz word "Green". I am NOT sure why suddenly whole lot of companies talking about "hole" in the ozone layer as greenists have been warning us atleast a decade from now though. Coming back to Subject, This article mentioned "This can push...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Do plants have intelligence? - Yes, See this to believe it!!

This morning I came across a amazingly funny true incident that happened in tamil nadu where the pungan tree started growing roots directly in the main water line pipe instead of growing deep to tap in the water source. I did NOT believe initially on how it could break the pipe seamlessly to get the water resource until I saw this picture and I read this interesting article sub-sequentially on the...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Want to get more marks in classes?? Read "Agatha Christie" novels...

I found this interesting article this morning on the CBSE board pioneering a way to cultivate the reading habits among the school children. They have come up with the novel idea of reading NOVELS to boost the reading habits of the students as well as boost their grades with extra marks too. I kind of like the idea that does sound like "have the cake and eat it too!!". Here is the whole story in English...

Monday, November 30, 2009

Fear of boats?? Take this bus to cross the water front..

While I was browsing randomly yesterday on the recent topic DUBAI Debacle (DD), I found an interesting tourist attraction listed in one of the sites called wonder bus. On further browsing, I found a recent set of photographs on dress sorry bus rehearsal of this wonder bus in Kerala backwaters with the following pictures.  As David Hockney once said "“Art has to move you and design does not, unless...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

5 best things to learn from a pencil - Amazing pencil story!!

here is one beautiful inspirational story I read this evening from Angele Neik from motivationNation article.  The pencil storyThe Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box. "There are 5 things you need to know," he told the pencil, "Before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be." Want...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ranjan Das and Sleep

This forward carried a sad and interesting note. Sad because one of the energetic CEO of SAP-India who got into this pinnacle of responsibiity at his young age, attained Mr.Late status at an young age too.(i.e.,42). Interesting because this forward and the links in them clearly depicts that he is very energetic and even found to be controlling his stress and work life balance. On a mystery of what...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Looking for consolidating your blogs with "after the jump" summaries??

I always wondered on how to avoid clogging of the contents of my blogs in a single page where the readers like you would NOT be able to see the all the other posts in a single page. Here is the way to enable "read more" feature which helps in "after the jump" summaries and consolidating your page contents...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Australia monalisa

Here is an interesting forward I got and I thought I could ask you to guess on what the below drawing is made up of:Let me give more closer look, did you guess?? What about now?? Could not do it??? here what it is : The forward said this: "Artist assistants stand next to 3,604 cups of coffee which have...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

All that glitters are NOT gold...coins??

As subject says today's blog is the reiteration of the old adage: "All that glitters is NOT gold " and could be extended to Gold coins too. In a two seperate but similar incidents observed in last couple of weeks in the same city, Chennai, could prove you that point. Here you go on the news # 1 happened...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Kite flying - Is it that bad really??.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"Don't ignore the small things -- the kite flies because of its tail."Author: Hawaiian Proverb++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"Imagination is the highest kite that one can fly."Author: Lauren Bacall++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"Don't be afraid of opposition. Remember that...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Free Eye Camps OR Free Eye-loss camps??

This morning I read this dreadful news on the Free Eye camp that was held in Andra. It is learnt that due to mis-creptions provided by the doctors then, almost 10 of the patients who had to taken in an emergency operation only to find .. err..feel that they have lost both of their eyes. That too after...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

No Diwali this year - இந்த வருடம் தீபாவளி இல்லை!!

This morning, I was browsing through all my unread mails that I have piled up for last 3 weeks. I found this forwarded mail to be quite amusing and hilarious. Here you go:While this is a feast for the amusement, I tend to think that how come this craziness of the fan fare is of high quotient in Tamilnadu,...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pensions - Two stories

This morning I have come across incidentally two interesting stories surprisingly related to Senior Citizen's pension funds as given below and was wondering what would be the mentality of the recipients of those senior citizen's pensions.Story-1:இந்திய சுதந்திரப் போராட்ட வீரர், 1952ம் ஆண்டு வரை கேரளம்,...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Episode - 2: Amazing concepts of Hinduism - Why 108 is so sacred?

Are you like me who always wondered on why 108 is so sacred for Hindu community?? I have always wondered about it.I could atleast guess the other sacred numbers as 101,201 and 501 as part of Marriage gifts as we cannot round it so add + 1. The same logic BATA store in India that applies as part of consumer psycology with 99.99 INR instead 100 INR. It is called psychological barrier of human mind....

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Part-2: Winner of the Best managed TN state owned entity??

If you are following up with my earlier post on "Winner of the Best managed TN state owned entity??", you would be able to digest this fact too. As I mentioned in my earlier post that TASMAC is aiming a whopping 150 crore turnover in a single Deepavali day. Well!! Here is the updated information: they...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Series - Amazing concepts of hinduism - "First in Flight"??

I recently noticed in my rental car number plate - "First in Flight for North Carolina state. This triggered me the urge to google around whether the wright brothers are the "right" brothers to call them inventors of the "first in flight". As part of my quest, finally I ran into this article which had few of the interesting examples: You will definitely rejoice...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

5 Reasons why nobody comments on my blogs and posts

I always wondered why I do NOT have much audience to participate, share or comment on my blogs and posts.If you are also like me to increase your traffic on your blogs, here is an spam-less interesting link that I found to be very useful - 5 Reasons why nobody comments on my blogs and postsNow that I know the reasons, let me work on it to improve my records. See ya tomorro...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Winner of the Best managed TN state owned entity??

Probably subject might have been intrigued to you and guesses would have been flowing all through your mind. If you were thinking like me with this topic, probably the list would go from BSNL to TNEB to Tancem to forthcoming ARASU CABLE.Hold your breath. The winner is... TASMAC. Follow this link to...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Are they redundant??

This subject line is very catchy and I actually stole this from one of my college seniors effective presentation that I could still remember about. But that is NOT what I am going to jot down today.I read this morning about Indian Government's recent noises about the "Vulgar" salaries paid to Indian corporate bigwigs. In fact, as per a leading business daily, top corporate salaries grew by an average...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Success Formula - E + R = O

This morning, I read a book as part of my initiative - Book of the month namely "How to get from where you are to where you want to be", written by Jack Canfield. I read an interesting point from this interesting book that i would like to share here.Everyone talks about Success Formula and he has given it like this: E + R = O whereE = EventsR = ResponseO = Outcome.In a crux, the Outcome or the Result...

Have you heard about Naga Naresh Karutura??

This morning, my father forwarded this truely inspiring story. Truely inspiring especially this person took everything in the positive spirit when every other can go to oceanic abyss of the inferiority complex in his situations and challenging moments!!True to his statement: "God definitely has a plan for each one of us and for each one of our steps"!!_________________________________________________________________"Naga...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Craziest thing I have heard..

What would a policeman would do? ensure law and order (apart from getting their hands dirty if they are corrupted). What about a bus conductor?? ensure everybody gets their travel tickets and smooth journey??? Read on..Is this what you get to see when you perform your normal duty?? Weirdo weir...

Obama - The Nobel Laureat

This morning I saw the flash news that American President Obama won the Nobel prize for his peace initiatives.While I do NOT have much data on to comment he deserves it or not, I am having a feeling like only the persons who are in lime lights gets these noble nobal prizes. But the selection of chidambaram born scientist, Venkataraman Ramakrishnan proved me wrong. But I am happy that I was proved...

Nail biting moments, really??

As it is increasing becoming usual, I had few nail biting moments before I catch up with my flight recently!!Here is the chronological sequence of events: 1. The Weighing Machine@ 8 PM IST: In the evening, we weighed both of my luggages they weighed around 43.2 lbs and we were feeling very comfortable in carrying them.2. Trip to Airport@2:30 AM IST : In order to catch the 5:25 AM flight, we started...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

விகடன்.com - site attack??!!

I am a avid reader of though I kind of hate their web page verses the physical page versions. This evening when I tried reading my favourite Nanayam vikatan, both mozilla firefox and Google chrome, it threw me a "Site attack" message and when I browsed through I learnt that it has 31 pages which had 12 different trojan horses ( not that horse in that marina beach!!) and other...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Benefit of d(ou/e)bt??

This afternoon I have come across an article which talked about the debts and how nefarious or beneficial it could be.Beneficial ones ( from the catchy notes):The problem with debt is that it creates huge invisible opportunity costs: True to the core. I mean how many of us actually got indebted in home loans in the hope of getting into a long term investement or asset. How many us getting into educational...

Monday, August 10, 2009

chinmayi and time management - flashes of the day

This evening was kind of fruitful as the subject says, i landed my browser's sail in Tamil Singer/Translator/Psychologist/TV/Voice Over Artiste/ Presenter/RJ/Classical Dancer ( yeppa..ippovae kanna kattudhey).. "Wow!!" is the one word I could say about her blogging skills. it was so natural looking and kind of kindling your thought process. I never have come across more such intellectual cum talented...

Ask why??? “Everyone did it!!”

Why did I create this post : “Everyone did it!!” What??!!! Though I am against plagiarism, I do not mind having a “inspirations” out of the best work. Not the failure, but the emulation is the stepping stone of success. Why?? Unfortunately due to limited stocks of IQ with him, God is impartial in distributing...

தவமாய் தவமிருந்து - சேரன் பெற்ற பிள்ளை

This evening I have watched a movie which I was longing to see for so many years. Especially it was from one of my fav. director, I-can-act-too-Cheran. The movie name is : “Thavamaai Thavamirundhu”. Wow!! what an apt title for the movie with its genre in mind. Let me start the ga-ga from the title itself. Set in the Madhurai background, it was all about the toils that parents undergo and how...