Saturday, April 23, 2016

Amazing Concept that you would love to adopt in your life

Good to see you all after about 542 days. Well..,this data may sound funny but that is the unfortunate result of my never-ending procrastination process of, "I will blog it tomorrow!!" promise to myself. Over this period of 542 days or about 1.5 years since I wrote my last post on this blog: , there...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Power of Shadow Economy In India...

UThe poll rhetoric of bringing back all the black money into India within a period of 100 days turned into a long forgotten promise. Only after the Supreme Court rapped Centre for being lethargic, did the NDA government disclose a few names couple of days back. However, after receiving flak for creating a protective umbrella for the rest, the NDA government handed over the entire list containing...

Power of Shadow Economy In India...

UThe poll rhetoric of bringing back all the black money into India within a period of 100 days turned into a long forgotten promise. Only after the Supreme Court rapped Centre for being lethargic, did the NDA government disclose a few names couple of days back. However, after receiving flak for creating a protective umbrella for the rest, the NDA government handed over the entire list containing...

Friday, October 17, 2014

Want to lead a life full of joy, kill this thief!!

This striked me a few minutes back while I am determined to "leverage" the waiting time at the airport waiting for the announcement and once again looking at the facebook of the past through my wall did the strike on my head. We all do it: we look at what others are doing and wish we were doing that...

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Fittest survival - root of the innovation

The Japanese have always loved fresh fish. But the water close to Japan has not held many fish for decades. So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever. The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring the fish. If the return trip took more time, the fish were not fresh. To solve this problem, fish companies installed freezers on their boats....

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sunday, March 23, 2014

El Nino - disaster waiting to happen Or stock market mutiny?

Good morning friends! It has been quite some time since we met through my blog posts.  And how I thought I have picked up the habit of regular blogging as part of my new year resolution syndrome. Anyways,  today morning I had this compelling mind voice about this news which I thought I can...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Speed reading - is it worth investing time with?

Speed Reading is not a complete scam, if that's what you're thinking. But the benefits have been exaggerated. Speed reading is what you might call the Ronald Reagan approach to reading--you get the text's general drift while remaining largely innocent of the details, sometimes embarrassingly so. Several trained speed readers were once asked to read a doctored text in which the even-numbered lines...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Internet..interesting fact

While I am currently waiting my next flight and really bored to get board..searching for a good internet connection was definitely the need of the hour. Emirates business lounge came to my rescue with a WiFi gratis aka free...sometimes good things comes free too, huh?? Anyways coming to the subject, found an interesting fact : "India's internet population has been growing at a rapid pace. In 2012,...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Have you heard about Spark Learning??

This morning, an unique concept struck in the form of ,y daily dose of good article read, in the name of Spark learning. For some reasons, I found these new concepts always kindle curiosity in me, I went through it again. OK must say, I am certainly not disappointed but t found more corelation with...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Nice Read : Heights of Avarice!!

This evening, I have come across this news article which highlighted the greediness of the human beings and different which ways that we extend ourselves to breakthrough the loop holes of the rules, which were meant to be broken. image source: When I searched through Internet,...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Yet another Harshad Mehta?

Some years back, Harshad Mehta was famous in Indian house hold names all for wrong reasons. Especially if you are upper middle-class and with the I-do-trading-too person, you would have certainly known this person and probably lost some money with him too. This morning, I read an article which...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

3 Reasons why Obama should NOT have been elected again..

By the time I am typing this blog post, the US election results are well announced and "Mr. President" title appears to stay again with Mr.Barack Obama. There was huge backlash on him losing the people's favourite @ Popularity votes but winning through the age old, red tapist electoral college votes. Likes of publicity man, Mr.Donald J Trump, have openly called out for a Revolution. May be he is...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Last days with blackberry playbook os2

Couple of months back we  were in a dire need of a tablet which could the focus away from the attention grabbing television programmes for my  ever growing daughter. However it resulted the same way the chennai corporation lays their Overhead bridges to reduce the traffic congestion. Instead of reduce the traffic congestion, I always find them spread the congestion to both the ends of the...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Gadget cures the Epilepsy and Depression by 60%?

We have heard news about how the modern gadgets imbalances some of the well working parts of human body and debates are still on against the same. However, this morning in this article, I found that the news about gadget drops the effects Epilepsy and Depression as much as by 60%. (image courtesy: Invented...

Photo Reading - What is it?

With the mounting pressure on the ongoing studies with an inversely proportional time availability concerns, I was looking for a tooth or toothless fairy to tender its helping hand.  In the recent residential campus week, I did update my facebook status like given below: "how to write 3000 words essay that includes concepts from 2 text book bundles and 100+ reference books on a single case study??...

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mobile blogging finally

So far the big bottleneck turned out to be the lack of time in front of the proper typing medium and software, to attribute my non publishing blog posts. Thanks to the phone swapping idea proposed by my better half, I traded my favorite blackberry with an iPhone. I am regretting heavily now on how come I missed possessing an apple product so far, as I see an amazing transformation. I...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Guar Gum - India's new gold mine with Oil and Gas Industries

In my casual browsing through the newyork based reuters surprised with the following statement: "But it just so happens that when the hard little bean that a former farmer from Northern India, Rajasthan in Particular, grows is ground up, it becomes an essential ingredient for mining oil and natural...

Ideal option for downloading videos from Youtube..freely

Recently I was looking for an option to download one of my recent favorite video song , "Nenjodu Cherthu" from private album - "Yuuvh". I encountered several products but each one of them were racing enough to mislead me to download their worthless buggy software. Out of it, I found YTD Video downloader to be a good one. I completely agree with their statement on : For online video enthusiasts...

Monday, July 9, 2012

cruel cure for Bed wetting - Madness redefined-part 2?

I have already written this article about the Pune Mane - Madness Redefined. However, This morning I have come across a shocker news which definitely pulled me into this writing of the post and can definitely call "Madness redefined - Part 2". Bed wetting of the 5 year old appeared to be root cause...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Single Sex education Vs. CoEd, which is good?

In my attempt to master the art of parenting..err... well, I agree, in order to be able to do a better job of my "mission: best father" goal, I have started preparing myself better by reading various articles to learn father and daughter psychologies. Here I have attempted to capture my thoughts on...

Friday, July 6, 2012

iPad Vs. mcPad, tablet wars between quality and quantity

English: Apple iPad Event (Photo credit: Wikipedia) While the whole gadget world go gaga about the new Google Nexus and the latest buzz on the iPad Mini to take on the world, some gurus might be screaming that these would be the "tablets to end all tablets" prophecies, I got the whole new...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Taj Mahal - Panoramic 360 degree view of one the new 7 wonders of the wold

I stumbled upon a beautiful site this morning which offers a panoramic 360 degree view of the Taj Mahal, the new wonders of the world.  This is the site: and do let me know how you do you like the...