Sunday, November 25, 2012

Nice Read : Heights of Avarice!!

This evening, I have come across this news article which highlighted the greediness of the human beings and different which ways that we extend ourselves to breakthrough the loop holes of the rules, which were meant to be broken. image source: When I searched through Internet,...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Yet another Harshad Mehta?

Some years back, Harshad Mehta was famous in Indian house hold names all for wrong reasons. Especially if you are upper middle-class and with the I-do-trading-too person, you would have certainly known this person and probably lost some money with him too. This morning, I read an article which...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

3 Reasons why Obama should NOT have been elected again..

By the time I am typing this blog post, the US election results are well announced and "Mr. President" title appears to stay again with Mr.Barack Obama. There was huge backlash on him losing the people's favourite @ Popularity votes but winning through the age old, red tapist electoral college votes. Likes of publicity man, Mr.Donald J Trump, have openly called out for a Revolution. May be he is...

Thursday, November 1, 2012