Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reverse Branding : Mr.Mani Iyer invites you all for Suvishesha Koottam

Recently I have come across this forward which basically captured two different posters found in the walls of Tamilnadu recently. The posters contents looked pretty much the usual except the anchors of them and the title of the posters. "Mani Iyer welcomes you to the Special Christian Prayer meeting(Suvishesham in Tamil)" and the next one is "Suseela Maamee invites you to Gods' Army Full Gospel Church". This...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A problem shared is a problem halved - Really? No. Scientifically!!

This morning we have got a call from one of our close relative and this person started pouring all the challenges and complaints life presented to her. Atlast when we were about to finish the call with her, I heard her saying "I feel relieved as I have shared my problems with you". Incidentally it struck me with the recent article I read on the same line. In reality I am not convinced that a problem...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Information overflow - E-Gokulashtami @ Texas

Before I start, I believe you would have by now completed the Gokula Ashtami if you are in the southern part of the India or still chewing/mowing the seedais if you are in the western part of the world. Anyways, today's blog entry is also related to it. I was at awe this evening with the incident I am going to describe about. Back in India, I still fondly recollect the way we celebrate Gokulashtami,...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Easy way to avoid Procrastination (do it later) attitude

Hello, Glad to be back again though not the sooner as promised in my previous blog posting. It is purely because of the writer's block. For the uninitiated, information about writer's block can be found here. Coming back to the today's topic, it is just coincided with two readings on the same day and put to pratice before I preach here.  Let us see if you answer these questions below,...