Sunday, August 23, 2009

விகடன்.com - site attack??!!

I am a avid reader of though I kind of hate their web page verses the physical page versions. This evening when I tried reading my favourite Nanayam vikatan, both mozilla firefox and Google chrome, it threw me a "Site attack" message and when I browsed through I learnt that it has 31 pages which had 12 different trojan horses ( not that horse in that marina beach!!) and other...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Benefit of d(ou/e)bt??

This afternoon I have come across an article which talked about the debts and how nefarious or beneficial it could be.Beneficial ones ( from the catchy notes):The problem with debt is that it creates huge invisible opportunity costs: True to the core. I mean how many of us actually got indebted in home loans in the hope of getting into a long term investement or asset. How many us getting into educational...

Monday, August 10, 2009

chinmayi and time management - flashes of the day

This evening was kind of fruitful as the subject says, i landed my browser's sail in Tamil Singer/Translator/Psychologist/TV/Voice Over Artiste/ Presenter/RJ/Classical Dancer ( yeppa..ippovae kanna kattudhey).. "Wow!!" is the one word I could say about her blogging skills. it was so natural looking and kind of kindling your thought process. I never have come across more such intellectual cum talented...

Ask why??? “Everyone did it!!”

Why did I create this post : “Everyone did it!!” What??!!! Though I am against plagiarism, I do not mind having a “inspirations” out of the best work. Not the failure, but the emulation is the stepping stone of success. Why?? Unfortunately due to limited stocks of IQ with him, God is impartial in distributing...

தவமாய் தவமிருந்து - சேரன் பெற்ற பிள்ளை

This evening I have watched a movie which I was longing to see for so many years. Especially it was from one of my fav. director, I-can-act-too-Cheran. The movie name is : “Thavamaai Thavamirundhu”. Wow!! what an apt title for the movie with its genre in mind. Let me start the ga-ga from the title itself. Set in the Madhurai background, it was all about the toils that parents undergo and how...